15th Google Birthday celebrated with Google Pinata Doodle & Google in 1998

In case you hadn't heard or seen, today is Google's Birthday.  The search engine giant celebrated with a fun Google Pinata Doodle game.  You earn points by whacking the Pinata for the most candy, which tabulates a score, then you can share you score with people on Google+ if you want.   google pinataGoogle also inserted an Easter Egg into it's search engine so users can be taken back to Google in 1998.  All you do is type into Google's search bar “Google in 1998” and you can see what the Google looked like back when it first started.

google in 1998

What's fun is they have links at the bottom to competitors search engines at the time via Archive.org so you can see how much better and cleaner Google was compared to the other search engines.  The majority of the ones in 1998 are now gone or are were bought out.

Google also made a sweet visual timeline of 15 years of Google.

It's incredible to think how quickly technology and how fast Google has evolved over the years.  Recently Google switched their popular Google Keyword Tool to the Google Keyword Planner and they just celebrated 10 Years of Google Adsense.  In addition Google's most used tool, their search engine, got updated with Google Penguin 2.0 to improve search quality and results.  (At least that's what Matt Cutts and Google claims.)

In tech years Google is probably considered 100 years old since the titan of search has been around for so long.  How old do you think Google is in tech years? 🙂

Have any thoughts about Googling turning 15 years old? Want to share your experiences of how Searching the web was before Google?  How has Google's search engine and many other products improved, changed, or ruined your life? 🙂

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