1and1 Complaints, Problems, and Issues

1and1 complaints seem to be commonplace on webmaster forums and blogs all over the internet.  If you have landed on this article I assume you've read a lot of them.  Still, I thought I would get the word out about 1and1 problems and issues I've had using the companies services as a domain name registrar.  (I haven't used their hosting but you should NEVER use it.)

1and1 complaints

Slow DNS Propagation

One big issue I've always had with 1and1 is that they have extremely slow DNS propagation.  A lot of times domain registrars explicitly state “It can take 24-48 hours for DNS updates to fully propagate.”  For most registrars I've used it takes 2 hours, tops, for nameservers to process and update on my end.  Usually it doesn't take more than 1 hour in most cases.  With 1and1 it can literally take 48 hours or more.  This is by far the slowest I've ever seen and it is a big 1and1 complaint and issue they still have not seemed to have resolved or fixed.

When you need your nameservers updated, you want it done as fast as possible.  Most likely you are switching from a bad web host or are moving domain parking companies.  The amount of time 1and1 takes to update DNS is not appropriate in this day and age.

Slow Contact Updates

If you need to switch your address or any information for your domain contact details, don't expect 1and1 to process the update quickly either.  There have been times I've updated contact details which sometimes take a week for 1and1 to process on their end.  Sometimes the update will show-up the next day but often it doesn't.

This isn't that big of a deal but still, it 1and1 issues are that it's system is just damn slow.  It's kind of like they think they are an internet company that it still operating in 1999.

Difficult Transfers

Additionally one of 1and1's problems is when you try to make changes to transfer a domain, these updates can take quite awhile.  What do I mean?  If you need to turn off domain privacy I've had issues where it wouldn't turn off.  Even after contacting customer service and explaining the issue.

I've also had issues when I've “Unlocked” a domain and it's shows in 1and1's backend.  However when I attempt to transfer out to another domain name registrar, it will reject the transfer saying it wasn't unlocked or there was an issue with the losing domain registar.  I usually try again and contact 1and1 customer service to resolve the issue.  Typically they say everything looks fine on their end.  I reattempt and it is fine.

Recently I had to helped a client transfer a domain away from 1and1.  It was a bit tricky but I was able to get it done without too much hassle.  Still transferring is more 1and1 problems and issues to be aware of.

1and1 Customer Service

I haven't had as bad 1and1 customer service experience as some people I've read online.  I've actually called 1and1 and their support reps have been quite helpful in a few situations.  They answered my questions and actually understood what the issues was and fixed it.

However, my experience has not been all rosy.  When something in the system isn't updating I have been told, “It takes time for the registry to make updates.”  Of course unlocking a domain and making sure the privacy off is 1and1's issue and not the domain registry's problem.  Additionally they've given me run arounds when they said they made updates to something and it does not happen on my end.

1and1 isn't Great

I used to recommend 1and1 since they included free domain privacy and the ICANN fee with domain prices.  Since their prices are a high, $15 a year currently, and they have bad customer service and a backend system that is really slow there is no reason to use them.

Personally I'd recommend transferring your domains to one of these registrars which I have all had mostly positive experience with.  I've written reviews of all these domain name registrars which I hope your read.

Have you had 1and1 complaints, issues, or problems?   If you have had problems with 1and1 please share your story and 1and1 complaints below and let others know.  Did you eventually switch domain registrars? Did you switch to one of the registrars I recommend?  If you did, I'd be happy to hear if my reviews were helpful and if these registrars gave you better service.

6 thoughts on “1and1 Complaints, Problems, and Issues”

  1. Thanks for the helpful post. I want to be clear on this because web professionals need to understand just what you’re talking about here. When I got started with my first website, I went with 1and1 because someone who was helping me set it up had recommended it. I’ve heard of a lot of people suggesting it to clients mostly because the initial sign up is not too expensive, especially when they are running a special. I picked up a dot com registration within the last six months for $.99, as an existing customer, and that’s not bad. Also, I’ve never had them steal a domain name I researched on their site like I have had done to me by GoDaddy. GoDaddy gave me a few hours to buy the name I researched, then registered it themselves, and then asked me if I wanted to pay $70 to get it. That should be illegal, but happens all the time from what I’ve read on the Internet.

    But the really bad stuff, the stuff that is so bad that I will never recommend the services of those who suggested 1and1 registration, is only in part because of the issues you mentioned. Squarespace says DNS propagation can take up to 30 minutes, but 1and1 is suggesting right on their page that it can take up to 72 hours. No excuse for that in 2014. The other issue I had, which makes me frustrated to no end, is that I had an issue with a credit card that had expired, and I accidentally let my registration lapse on a domain. I went to fix the issue as soon as I found out and entered updated information and it literally took days to restore access to all of my domains’ settings on their website because they process payments in batches and update information sent to them very slowly. They held all my domains hostage blocking all access because I was behind on one of them. If you’re a web designer recommending people register with 1and1, you don’t deserve to call yourself a web designer at all and you pretty much are going to get what you deserve in life. I will be transferring services shortly, once I have decided on a replacement. I’m considering HostGator.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experiences with 1and1 Roy. They are a bad domain registrar and web hosting company. Sorry to also hear your experiences with GoDaddy front running a domain your were interested in. Unfortunately I’ve read this happens a lot on webmaster discussion forums.

      For domain names I would recommend you transfer any you have with 1and1 to NameSilo or NameCheap. Both are inexpensive, easy-to-use, and have decent customer support. Read my NameCheap Review and my NameSilo Review if you want to get a feeling for each of them as a domain registrar.

      DO NOT host any websites with HostGator. I’ve been having a terrible time with them since they moved to the Provo datacenter from Softlayer’s facility in Dallas. Slow loading sites, downtime, gateway errors, etc. Read these articles on this fine website to get an idea of the shenanigans EIG (Endurance International Group) hosts pull.


      I’m going to switch to another web hosting company that has more clear limit on resources and utilizes LiteSpeed on their servers.

  2. I bought websitesfortrello.com from 1and1 more than 5 hours ago. Waited until now and got nothing, not even a change to the ICANN Whois database.

    Bizarrely, through all this time, the domain is being shown on my 1and1 dashboard.

    So, what did I did now? Went to NameCheap.com and bought the same domain there. It was transferred, DNS propagated and available for me almost instantly.

  3. I have used 1&1 hosting now for about three years and am very pleased with their service. They always have solved my problems in a short time or will make recommendations for changes to management. They continue to make it easier to manage your web site. I don’t understand all the negativity posted on the inte4rnet.
    Larry Flinchpaugh *Link removed*

  4. I updated a TXT record nearly roughly 36 hours ago, still no propagation. I’ve not come across a registrar where DNS take so long. It’s very frustrating. I’m in the process to persuading my client to migrate to Route 53.

    I’m sure there’s a single person working for 1and1 that manually performs all updates for us 🙂

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