Hire Adam

If you are interested in hiring me and not just reading this blog I provide a range of services and have a expertise in different fields of the web and technology.

Web consulting

A lot of times even veteran web entrepreneurs and marketers can miss little things which turn into big mistakes.  I can go through all your sites and social media channels to find improvements and tweaks.  Additionally if you need help finding a better web hosting company, due to issues with downtime, I can assist with the migration process since I have industry contacts.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you feel you are having trouble ranking your content organically in Google, let's talk.  I've been working within the SEO field for several years now and have helped many people improve the way they view Google, their content, and SEO.  I don't promise overnight results but I focus on giving people tools and skills you can use well beyond when you've finished working with me.

Why Wouldn't you Hire Me?

That's the real question, cause I'm awesome! 🙂

I'd be more than happy to talk to individuals and small companies about making a greater impact online.  Hopefully you can see from this blog I provide a lot of value for free, so just imagine the value I provide if you pay me. 🙂

Shoot me an email… NOW!

cool AT adamyamada.com

One thought on “Hire Adam”

  1. I am doing a kickstarter campaign and a website for a new unique lighting product. I need seo and social media assistance to coincide with this launch . Can you give me an idea what kind of money we are talking about?
    Charlotte nc

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