Searching for the right and available to register domain name for your new website or online venture can be a frustrating and difficult process. A lot of good domains are taken and to alleviate this problem a lot of domain name generator tools and sites have popped up over the past few years. A lot of these domain generators don't work that well and churn out odd word combinations few people would want to register. However, recently I found a great domain generator,
Impossibility claims to be “The Best Domain Generator Ever.” While that is a fairly lofty claim considering there are some pretty good ones out there, I think Impossibility definitely deserves to be on any list for great, good, or useful domain name generators. I've used a bunch of them and have found few that match the usefulness and quality of
The only other comparable domain generator I have seen is Lean Domain Search which I have recommended before on this blog in my post, “4 Awesome Tools to Find the Perfect Domain Name.” If I had known about when I wrote that article I would have included it.
The difference with and Lean Domain Search is the ability to be more specific and drill down words. You have the option to include adjectives, nouns, or verbs in the beginning or end of the domain name. You can choose 4, 5, or 6 letter word domains with your keyword. There is also an “anything” option which will generate a much broader list of domains. If you are not sure you like the list of domains you can just “Get more” and it will generate more domains. (Sometimes it just shows you the same ones from before.)
I found a few great domain names while using for a some website ideas I had the other day. (I tend to have an idea for a new website every week.) My usual go to domain name generator is Lean Domain Search but it really was not cutting it. I needed something more specific and I noticed that several people recommended Impossibility on webmaster and domaining forums. So I gave it and shot and was pleasantly surprised.
Even though I really like, and will surely recommend it in the future, it could use some work. I think the user interface could use sprucing up. The keyword you type-in should be a different color than the other words in the domain. Right now all the text is in white which can make it a bit hard to see your keyword against the other words. The words that it matches could be in blue or green and the keyword could stay white or something. One of the reasons I like Lean Domain Search is the user interface and ease-of-use.
Also John Forsythe, the developer, should add different domain registrar affiliate programs to the domain name generator besides GoDaddy and NameCheap. That way he can capture more revenue and keep the site going. (These domain generators make money via affiliate links when you buy a domain.) John knows what he is doing as he spread out the generator across different servers to make it fast. The last update was back in November 2011 though sooo the frontend of the site could definitely be updated in my opinion.
Typically a domain name generator will throw out a lot of word combinations and domains. When you are looking for a domain name you want quality over quantity. It could give you lists all day but if the domains are not good, then it is not worth your time. Remember a domain is your “frontdoor” to the internet.
To save time and your sanity while searching for a domain name I recommend and hopefully you will be as happy with it as I am. Thanks to John Forsythe for making this awesome domain name generator.
Interesting article. Would be good to get your opinion on Nomipede.
I checked that out. Doesn’t seem like a great domain name generator in my opinion.
Thanks for taking a look. Anything in particular you didn’t like?
Some of the names it generates are are taken in the popular domain extensions (ie COM, NET, ORG). If the point of the website is to be a competitor to Lean Domain Search or it should check domain name availability before showing you a name list. The user interface is also a bit confusing. Also while I think the voting idea is interesting I wouldn’t use it. You wouldn’t want to tell too many people about a potential domain name you are going to register or they might grab it themselves.