3 thoughts on “PHPList Free Email Manager”

  1. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the write-up 🙂 I am the Community Manager at phpList – there is a lot going on at the moment including a new manual being written, a new community site (http://community.phplist.com) and also phpList 3 is a lot more easy on the eyes too. Anyway – thanks again for the blog

    Anna M

    1. Hi Anna,

      I updated this post to reflect that the pictures shown here are for phpList version 2. I realize that you guys are currently on phpList version 3.

      Did you see I also compared different free email list managers in this article?


      After having played around with phpList and other options, I feel like you can use free email newsletter software but it is too much hassle and time. That’s why most go with a paid provider. While you can get help in the support forums and community I feel like it would take me hours to workout some things.

      I’d love to see better easier to understand phpList documentation and tutorial videos. In addition to simple updates like WordPress and an integration with a WP plugin. How Automattic has built the WordPress ecosystem seems to be something a lot of open source projects and software want to emulate.

      Glad to hear you guys are working on making the phpList community stronger and working on better documentation. I have some sites which I’d like to run email newsletters for but it doesn’t make sense to spend money paying to run an email newsletter each month. Keep me updated with phpList news.

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