Is Facebook for Old People Now?

facebook for old peopleThe other day I was scrolling through a private forum and I noticed one of the hot topics was this question, “Is Facebook for Old People Now?” and therefore “Is Facebook considered lame and uncool?”

I should clarify these were not the exact questions in the forum but is the general gist of what a lot of people are discussing right now whether they be internet marketers, social media managers, bloggers, journalists, etc.  Facebook, once the darling of social media and web 2.0 companies, seems to be losing a lot of steam.  Why is this?

I could throw you a bunch of statistics, link to a ton of articles, and give you a lot of different reasons for this.  However, the simple and easy explanation is that Moms and Dads like it and use Facebook a lot nowadays.  That means teenagers obviously don't like Facebook and can't be seen where parents hangout, online or offline.  Therefore even young people that do have accounts, they really are not using Facebook for social networking.

Most of these young people have taken a liking to the 6-second video service, Vine.  (WordPress a few months ago enabled Vine videos to be easily embedded in posts.)  In addition they like Instagram, which is why Facebook spent 1 billion dollars to buy it, a photo sharing app allows you to easily create beautiful images and videos.  SnapChat is another popular photo sharing service as it allows a person to send a photo which only the receiver can view for no more than 10 seconds.  (That's why it has earned a reputation as a porn app.)  Additionally Twitter is also gaining in popularity due to the ease of use of the social network on mobile devices.

Basically that all adds up to limited time for other social network chiefly Facebook.  Young people consider Facebook a pain to use and too time consuming.  Besides you can hear their thoughts before they would sign-on, “Ahh, this is something my parents like.” is what a pimple-faced, braces-laden teenager is saying somewhere right now.

Facebook still has not figured out how to make it easy to manage pages vs profiles and how to quickly sort through the newsfeed.  I also don't really understand how people build audiences without spending money on ads.  I am not going to spend money with a social network I have gained little value from personally and professionally.  That's why I recently deleted my personal profile and that's the issue that Facebook executives are facing.  If young people don't use it, they won't spend money with them in the future.

What do you think?  Is Facebook for Old People now?  Can Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook reverse this trend or is it the natural rise and fall of websites and the internet?

[Image Source – Washington Post]

WordPress makes it easy to Embed Vine Videos

embed vine videosWordPress, the largest blog and content mangement platform around, has now made it hella easy to embed Vine Videos.  Now you can just take URLs and paste them into WordPress and the videos will display in posts.  (The Vine video app is a Twitter backed start-up that allow users to shoot short 6-second videos and share on the web.  Vine has been quite popular among celebrities and social media junkies.)  The announcement was made about a week ago via an email WordPress sent out and on the blog.

To embed Vine videos it is a simple process.  Just take a video URL and make sure to include “https” in front of the Vine URL and it will embed into a WordPress post.  Wordpress also allows you to specifcy width and height when embedding Vine videos.  Here is an example using one of my Vine video URLs;

[vine url=”” width=300 height=300]

If you don't feel like adding or specifying the width and height of a Vine video it will deafult to what is allowed by your theme.  In addition WordPress allows you to add a postcard parameter to the shortcode.

WordPress already has the functionality to embed videos from other video websites such as Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc. by just pasting in the URL when you are writing posts.  (Of course sometimes WordPress doesn't like to cooperate and you need to embed the video code manually or it just won't work.)  Now with the ability to embed Vine videos WordPress is continuing to make the platform easier and more on the cutting edge with the changing tides of social media.

Recently Instagram, the widely popular photo sharing app, launched a video service to compete with the Vine app.  What would use Instagram video over Vine though?  They allow videos to be up to 15 seconds instead of only 6 seconds on Vine.

The news of Automattic adding this functionality to WordPress seems to have turned the tables in Vine app's favor, at least for now.  Of course I assume the Instagram video team is working right now on adding video functionality and maybe even with the Automattic.  For now though you can embed Vine videos in WordPress only.

The annoying thing thing about the Vine app is you can't login the video service on a desktop browser.  This makes it a bit difficult if all you want to do is go grab a Vine video URL to embed into WordPress.  You have to share the video on another social network, then grab the Vine URL to post it.  Probably not a huge issue for some people but it is something that I think could be improved.


What do you think of this news about Vine?  Are you going to be embedding Vine videos on your WordPress blog?

[Source – Blog]

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